

A New Way To Restore Ancient Roman Mosaics

Professor Uses the Tools of His Trade at Moroccan Ruins

作为一名地球物理学家, 艾哈迈德Lachhab 从来没有想过他会用他在宾夕法尼亚州研究湖泊时使用的工具来帮助摩洛哥的考古学家.

Yet in an article published in the academic journal Archeological Prospection, Lachhab, associate professor of earth 和 environmental sciences at Susquehanna, 讲述了他是如何利用探地雷达帮助考古学家在瓦鲁比利斯保存古罗马马赛克的, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in northwestern Morocco.

“Volubilis is an ancient Roman city that dates to about the third century B.C.拉哈卜解释说. 这是一个繁荣的城市,以迷人的别墅为标志,别墅的大型马赛克地板描绘了古罗马神话.”

2018年,拉赫哈布开始带学生参加浩博体育app(浩博体育app)的全球机遇(Global Opportunities)海外留学项目,他第一次遇到了Volubilis. 在GO摩洛哥的经历中, students engaged in a daylong workshop where they explore Volubilis, its history 和 learn how to restore sections of the damaged Roman mosaics.

The Romans built the mosaics in a prescribed way, layering mortar atop a foundation of soil 和 boulders. 在随后的几年里, the foundations of the mosaics have shifted, leading to the mosaics becoming unleveled, fractured 和 separated from their surrounding walls.

“When the site first underwent restoration between 1940 和 1950, archaeologists lifted the mosaic 和 re-laid it over rebar-enforced concrete slabs,拉合说. “This is a very labor-intensive process that is nearing the end of its lifespan, meaning the mosaics are again in need of restoration.”

而不是, Lachhab proposed using the tools of his trade — laser level survey, 无人机摄影测量和探地雷达——在沃勒比利斯的维纳斯之家和狄俄尼索斯之家. 作为一名地球物理学家, Lachhab通常使用这些技术来确定湖泊和人工水库中水和沉积物的体积. 在瓦卢, he surveyed three mosaics: Dionysos 和 the Four Seasons, 戴安娜的浴, 巴克斯和四季.

He first used a self-leveling laser to survey the surface of the mosaic, noting where the rippling 和 sinking is. 然后,他使用无人机拍摄了这些马赛克的一系列详细照片,并创建了3D摄影测量模型和正形图(将一系列照片拼凑在一起以创建更大的详细图像),以检查表面特征并准确测量其空间尺寸. 最后, Lachhab使用探地雷达对马赛克进行了调查,收集了2D剖面,并创建了50厘米深度的马赛克层的3D图.

“这三种技术的整合被证明是评估这些马赛克实际状态的必要条件,拉合说. “最重要的是, 探地雷达显示了空洞的存在,即土地沉降的地方,有时在混凝土板的两侧, 以及裂缝的存在,这些裂缝既限制在马赛克内部,也限制在/或穿过整个马赛克层,一直到表面.”

现在, instead of lifting the entire mosaic, 考古学家使用拉哈布的地图来定位马赛克下面的空白区域,然后用粘合材料填充, using a syringe inserted into the mosaic.


Lachhab最近在保加利亚举行的国际马赛克保护委员会会议上展示了他的发现. Likely the only geophysicist in the room, 其他考古学家找到他,希望让他调查他们在保加利亚和希腊其他地方的遗址.

“This is a breakthrough in the field of archaeology,拉合说. “保存这些珍贵的马赛克已经在那里超过2年了,这给人一种很好的感觉,000年. I’m enjoying this learning process as well, 和 it is Susquehanna’s GO program that brought this about.”



三十年前, 托马斯•马丁, associate professor of religious studies, began teaching what he describes as “the most dangerous book in the Bible.在过去的十年里, 他将僵尸媒体纳入了他的课程中,策划了《浩博体育app》这门课程,这样学生们就可以用当代的方式理解圣经中的启示录.

“Students are into zombies,” Martin says. “Some students are best friends with zombies.”

马丁声称他的课是一门严肃的圣经研究课程——僵尸电影只是一种熟悉解读启示录文本的方式. While the course fills the ethics requirement of Susquehanna’s Central Curriculum, 它面向对圣经解释和圣经关于世界末日的说法感兴趣的学生.

贯穿整个学期的课程, students analyze three zombie movies 和 similar passages in the Book of Revelation. 一个电影, 亡灵黎明, 向学生介绍经典启示录的概念,以及《浩博体育app网站》如何也被认为是经典.

学期末,学生们会看《浩博体育app》(Shaun of the Dead),这是一部模仿传统僵尸媒体的影片. The class discusses what constitutes a parody, 和 how making fun of a zombie apocalypse changes its message. 使用这些想法, students question whether the Book of Revelation could be considered parody, 和 how that would change interpretations of it.

The final film, Warm Bodies, explores the idea of ostracization at the end of the world. “《浩博体育app网站》中有些地方似乎所有的坏人都被送进了地狱,然后就消失了. But then they curiously show up as extras in the story of the New Jerusalem,” Martin says. “Are the damned really damned, or is there hope for them in the Book of Revelation?”

Martin, who has published numerous papers on interpreting biblical 文学, including 上帝的沉默天使横行, instructs his students to read the Bible responsibly 和 nonviolently. For many students, this is the real revelation.

“我有世界上最好的工作, because every day I get to mess around inside 20-year-olds’ brains,他说. “And when that works, 和 they realize what’s happening, 和 the lights go on, that’s magic. 我喜欢魔术.”

Professors’ Research Featured in New York Times, on NBC

正在进行的研究 尼克•克拉克, chair 和 professor of political science, 和罗尔夫·彼得森, associate professor of political science, was the subject of a New York Times article, “Was Election Denial Just a Passing Threat? 或者它会在这里停留?他们的研究调查了人们对2020年总统大选真实性的看法,以及选民的地理位置是否起了作用.

历史学教授 Ed Slavishak appeared in an episode of NBC’s Emmy Award–winning show, Who Do You Think You Are? 在节目开始的时候, 斯拉维沙克分享了他对演员扎卡里·昆图曾祖父的生活和政治生涯的调查结果, 包括一个特别有趣的发现,这将影响昆图未来的演艺生涯.


Two Susquehanna recent alumnae are recipients of the prestigious Fulbright U.S. English Teaching Assistant award from the U.S. 国务院和J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

玛德琳·科雷勒斯,23岁 graduated from Susquehanna with departmental, 拉丁语和大学荣誉, earning bachelor’s degrees in psychology 和 music. 她的富布赖特奖将使她能够在英国谢菲尔德大学攻读社会学硕士学位, where she will study topics concerning identity, gender 和 diversity during the 2023–24 academic year.

“我一直对人们的思维方式以及社会如何塑造人们的信仰和态度很感兴趣,科雷勒斯说. “在英国, I plan to study current social issues from a sociological perspective, strengthen my research skills 和 explore qualitative research methods.”

作为浩博体育app的学生, 科雷勒斯完成了一项独立的研究项目,该项目是为大学的荣誉项目而进行的,该项目研究了忠诚的关系意识形态和对单身的恐惧, which she presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference. In addition to her independent research, Correllus还参与了一个定向研究项目,并担任研究助理 尼克Ungson, assistant professor of psychology. 她还在州立大学举办了一场高级长笛独奏会,并计划继续参加谢菲尔德大学的合奏.

科雷勒斯说,她考虑申请富布赖特奖学金已经有一段时间了,但一直没有决定是否要处理严格的申请程序,直到她通过浩博体育app的全球机遇海外学习项目在捷克共和国度过了一个学期, adding that it was “a transformational experience for her.”

Grace Tepes, 23岁, of Northampton, Pennsylvania, will spend 10 months in Germany teaching English to students.

Tepes即将在德国的富布赖特经历将是她第三次在这个国家学习. She traveled to Germany as a high school student 和 returned to spend a semester in Freiburg, a city in the country’s Black Forest, through Susquehanna’s Global Opportunities studyabroad program.

“在我的国外学期, 我选修了德国历史的课程, 文学, 电影与语法, as well as in environmental policies 和 green business,特佩斯说。. “Studying in Freiburg was a wonderful experience. 美丽的风景吸引着我,我喜欢能够运用我的德语知识. I also have ancestral roots in Germany 和 Austria.”

After completing her Fulbright experience, Tepes plans to pursue a career in laboratory work to capitalize on her biochemistry major.

富布赖特项目是联邦政府赞助的旗舰浩博体育app交流项目. It is funded through an annual appropriation made by the U.S. 国会到美国.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational 和 Cultural Affairs. The program currently operates in over 160 countries worldwide.

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